Leon Chriestenson joined our staff a few months ago focusing on leading our men into a transformational journey with Jesus. We welcome this gifted brother to our team.
I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior as a late teenager. I desired to follow Christ and do what He wanted me to do, so I gave my attention to studying the message of Jesus. I was all about learning to love God and loving others --at least the easy ones to love. I knew the right words to say. I could quote the essential Bible verses and knew where to find the good stories in the Bible. This method of following Jesus did not help me overcome my attitude of “it’s all about me.” “Me” was my idol. Something was missing.
So I said to myself—Self, you need to add the methods of Jesus to your repertoire. So I was trying to concentrate on following Jesus’ methods and message. The methods of Jesus taught me the correct behavior. I served as a youth worker, Sunday School teacher, deacon, mission chairman, elder and any other ministry I could work into my schedule. Man-- I was working for the Lord! But it seemed like I was just going through the motions of following Him. As important as the message and the method of Jesus are, I felt like becoming like Jesus was based on my works.
About 3 or 4 years ago I had a mentor challenge me not to spend all my time concentrating on the message and the method of Jesus, but to model Jesus. I thought that by my works I had been modeling Jesus. But I started concentrating on I John 2:6 “whoever says he abides in Him ought to walk in the same way in which He walked”. Studying the Gospels I see how Jesus walked and I notice the following actions that I am now trying to incorporate into my life as I model Him. These are the things that I want to equip our men to model.
Jesus was a man of prayer. How often did He slip away to have conversations with His Father? He started His ministry in prayer and fasting. At the end of His ministry Luke 22:39 says “as was His custom He went to the Mount of Olives…..to pray” Let us become men of prayer. What would our homes, neighborhoods, businesses, and community look like if our men became men of prayer?
Jesus allowed the Holy Spirit to lead and empower Him. He was a man of the Word of God. How often Jesus said “it is written” or “have you not read”. “He explained the words of Moses and the prophets, He interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself.” Luke 24:27. Yes, it is very important for us to know the Word of God. It is a matter of life and death. Jesus was obedient to His Father’s will. Can I (we) say --not my will but your will be done? Am I willing to sign on a blank form that I will do whatever, whenever and wherever for Jesus?
Jesus also exalted His Father. And-- He was about building intentional relationships.
My goal is to equip men to become men of prayer, men of the Word, trusting the Holy Spirit to lead, obeying and exalting our King. We will then be effectively building relationships with those who need the Gospel message. As I walk as Jesus walked, I find it easier to love God and love others. I also find it easier to live a life on mission looking for opportunities to build someone up in their faith, equip them for works of service and send them out as work place ministers. Men --come join me on this journey.
Leon Chriestenson
First Baptist website: www.fbcsalem.org
to respond to this email: fbc@fbcsalem.org
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