Thursday, June 16, 2016

Saying Yes

Stepping into something new can be terrifying and exciting all at the same time: Having a child for the first time, looking at retiring, dropping a kid off at college, saying “yes” to something when you have no idea what that “yes” really means.

Each week many new faces walk into our church. Some come just to check us out because they were passing by. Some come because they have been invited by many of you. Some are not even sure why they came. A few weeks ago one of those new faces decided to walk up to our information center and ask to get connected with someone. She had lots of questions and Jeff Poush handled each of them like a pro. He got her contact info, talked with her a little bit, and then told her he would find someone to meet with her.

I happened to be walking in the church office on Monday and Jeff stopped me. He asked if I would be willing to meet with a young girl that had introduced herself as someone new to the church. Without hesitation I said, "Yes." Jeff gave me her info, and I walked away. As I left I was thinking to myself, what have I done? All those fears of possibly not being able to answer this girl's questions came flooding into my head. But I decided to contact this girl anyway and set up a time to get together. I was excited. I was nervous. I was scared. Yet I knew that I could lay every feeling I had down at Jesus feet in prayer and confidently go and meet with this young lady. So I did.

You know what I found out. I found out that loving others and sharing what God has done in my life was not as hard as I thought. I found out that when this young girl asked a tough question, and I admitted to her that “I don’t know”, walls were broken down and the two of us got to go look for the answer together, digging into the Word of God. I found out that as our friendship was building  God was working in not only this young girl's life but He was showing me how He was using me for His glory in this situation. And lastly, I found out that getting out of my comfort zone can be terrifying and exciting all at the same time.

Take that leap God is asking you to do. Ask that neighbor to come with you on Sunday. Say “Yes” to meeting with a new person in our church when asked. Look around and love those God is asking you to love. Purposefully pray daily for those God has laid on your heart. Join me in saying “Yes” and letting God use you for His glory right here in our church and in our city.

--Kristi Pierce


TOWN HALL--Celebrating the Work of God

Last Sunday night we gathered for our annual Town Hall.  It was a celebration of the work of God and sharing the vision of God for our future.  We invite you to go to our website to read through the presentation and to watch video's of God's transformation in the lives of our church. 

Be encouraged,

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