Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Dancing for Jesus

Seven years ago, an 11 year old girl arrived late to her first dance rehearsal.  She felt awkward and didn’t enjoy it much.  But she stuck with it.  Over time, through the consistent love and support of her teacher, Rachel Hanna, along with the effort it takes to learn any discipline, her enjoyment grew into a love for ballet. 

Last year, as a senior in high school and under the leadership of Rachel, Hannah Calkins took on teaching 2 classes of her own in the Ballet a la Croix ministry at SFB.  As she was mentored by Rachel, Hannah instructed and taught 24 young children in the areas of worship, dance, discipline and discipleship.  Hannah says, “Seeing the growth of the kids as they come together in a recital and worshiping God through the unique expression of dance are highlights of teaching them.” 

She hopes to continue teaching this next year, depending on her college schedule.  Regardless of how long she continues to dance or teach dance, Hannah is thankful that she has grown significantly in being more coachable and teachable.  Learning to practice the art of worship has meant a lot to her as well.  In her words, “It takes practice to worship well.” 

Hannah is only one story of multitudes of young women who have come through Rachel’s dance studio over the past 7 years.  But Hannah’s story is not unique. 

According to Rachel, "The goal of Ballet a La Croix ministry is to disciple and share the love of Christ with students.  We strive to take scriptural truths and eventually translate them into dance.  Students are taught that everything they do is for God's glory.  Ballet is no exception.  Classes pray regularly and talk weekly about what it means to be used as a tool of God to reach the hearts of the audience through music, dance, and scripture." 

Rachel and Hannah are exceptional examples of our core values of worship and discipleship through their unique ministry with Ballet a La Croix.  Thank God for their faithfulness and continue to pray for the future of this ministry. 

Questions to ponder: 

Hannah mentioned that it takes practice to worship well.  Where are you currently working on practicing worship and building your worship muscle? 

Rachel teaches her students that everything they do is for God’s glory.  What is one area in your life that you would like to begin to dedicate and yield to God? 
Pastor Nate