It was such a thrill to be on the ground floor watching God inspire and put together His plan and program for the Grandparent Conference. What a faith builder to those of us He called together as a committee to be a part of His vision. He unfolded step by step the vision, speakers, topics, and program. It was exciting to see how each of our spiritual gifts came into play to bring a truly professional conference into being.
Following the conference there were many exciting comments. One grandparent commented they appreciated the encouragement of being an active and godly grandparent along with the many ideas to be a “grand” grandparent. Another reports that she has now put together her Prayer Journal having interviewed her grandchildren for their specific prayer needs.
For one grandparent, just one slide showing a family tree of a Boomer to a Millennial made a huge impact. It was amazing to see how our families have changed over the past decades. From two parents and four grandparents to a multitude of both, as well as siblings that are not related biologically. In our own city, where we could make a difference, children are shoved from foster home to foster home; their parents no longer able to care for them because of drug abuse.
Another grandparent was reminded by a comment by John Coulombe that “we need to be multigenerational in our church.” It is so easy to get in our comfort zone with our activities, our style of music, and our lifestyle. It is a challenge to interact with someone not years but decades younger and try to relate to their world.
As we age, it seems it becomes harder to accept change and even to learn some of the new technologies available and used on a daily basis by our own grandchildren. It was enlightening to have a breakout session where grandparents were made aware of how much our grandchildren use social media. We were reminded not only of its uses but also of some of the dangers these sites hold for our grandchildren. They are so connected yet so isolated because there is no longer the face to face interaction with another person. Seeing some their peers’ postings that make their life look so much better than the life they live can lead our grandchildren into times of despondency. It is these times that we as grandparents need to come alongside in prayer and encouragement.
--Nancy Sperling for The Grandparent Committee
REMINDER: Turkey Mission Trip Garage Sale is this weekend!
Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Saturday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00
The address is 220
Superior St S.