Friday, October 24, 2014
Priority One "Back to the Future"
In the 1870’s God birthed in our church a heart for the lost across the street and around the world. We were one of the first churches that reached out to Chinese migrant workers. We removed the pews to serve a Thanksgiving meal to the poor. It has never stopped from that point in our church’s life. We sent out missionaries as early as the 1890’s both nationally and internationally.
Through the years God has continued to stir in our hearts the “Great Commission” given to us in Matthew 28:18-20 and Acts 1:8. This has led to dozens of missionaries being supported by our church. It has led to over 25 short term mission trips in the past 14 years. It has be the impetus of millions of dollars that have been invested in building God’s church around the world. Priority One: Pursuing God’s Missional Destiny for our church is back to the future. It is the history of our church and will be the future of our church.
For the past four years we have rekindled a “Mission Conference” (Priority One) to make sure that we are always fanning into flame God’s Great Commission for the church. We have seen people commit to going and serving around the world out of these conferences. We have seen people live with a new sense of commissioning to our city. God has blessed Priority One.
This year we expect God to once again stir our hearts toward His call to be His followers, proclaiming His gospel, in the valley and around the world. I am very excited to hear Bill Jack speak at our weekend services. Bill is a smart man, who loves God with all of his mind and has equipped people around the world through World View Academy and Answers in Genesis. Take a look at a YouTube clip to get your mind juices flowing: If this link does not work go on Youtube and type in Bill Jack/Answers in Genesis.
Schedule for the weekend with Bill Jack
Saturday October 25,
9:00 am – 12:00 pm—“The Ways of the Wizards vs. The Way of the Wiseman.” All are welcome
12:00 pm-2:00 pm—Optional video practicum on the streets of Salem.
6:00 pm—Worship Service “Seven Habits of Highly Suppressive People.”
Sunday October 25
9:00 am & 10:30 am-- Worship Service “Seven Habits of Highly Suppressive People.”
6:00 pm—Panel Discussion: Pressing cultural issues facing Christians today
Hope to see you there
Pastor Mark
Bill Jack,
Priority One,
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Mark 5 Ministries
Greater Europe Mission invited the Mark 5 Ministries technology team, of which we are a part, to attend their all-Europe Missionary Conference in Willingen, Germany. M5M has been a part of the GEM conferences for 6 years. This was Craig, II, 4th year and Mary’s 2nd year. Missionaries frequently live in areas where easy access to computer repair and maintenance is not available. This is where our team comes in. Our team formed up at the airport in Amsterdam on August 1 and together we flew to Berlin.
This year will be the 25th anniversary of tearing down the Berlin Wall. We spent two days in Berlin becoming aware of all that this has meant for a nation that was divided, brother from brother, family from family. The history that Berlin holds in over 775 years is amazing and yet sobering.
On Monday, August 4, we took 4 train rides to get to Willingen, where the conference at the Sauerland Stern Hotel was held again this year. It was a beautiful train ride with quaint towns and train depots. It was so green in the mountains and reminded us of Oregon in the spring.
When we arrived in our tech room, it was already set up for us and ready for us to serve the missionaries. There were 2 stations where the missionaries could come in to check their email. We had an intake desk to help the missionaries fill out paperwork to let us know what problems they were having with their computer or what they wanted us to focus on.
The tech room opened at 7am every morning and closed between 9-10pm each night. We ate in shifts, so someone was always there if a missionary came in and needed help. In addition to their computers, we had missionaries walk in with questions or issues regarding their phones, iPads and tablets. Additionally, a couple of team members did one-on-one training with some of the missionaries. The team helped over 90 missionaries with technology related problems.
We received this note from the President of GEM, Henry Deneen: “Thanks to you all for blessing our GEM family incredibly during Annual Conference. We are all grateful for the sacrifice of your time, energy, and resources and truly appreciate your humble, gentle spirits as you facilitated all that took place during the week. I trust you were richly blessed as well and that you know how your efforts encouraged, enriched, and deepened our walks with Christ. One of our colleagues said that he had never seen a team like yours blessing a mission family and he was deeply appreciative of the work you were doing. I echo those sentiments.”
We are thankful to the Lord for the amazing team members He brought together, for the safe travel, for the missionaries we could help and interact with, and for all those who have supported us in prayer and with finances. We had many missionaries thank our team over and over again and say how grateful they were that Mark 5 Ministries could come to the conference. To God be the glory!
Thank you and God bless you all.
--Mary & Craig Pruitt, II
Thursday, October 2, 2014
A True Act of Love
There are many small communities within the large community that is Salem First Baptist Church. This is a story about one community within the body. It tells of speaking the language of love into the lives of one of its families in the midst of their trial.
While on an extended adventure, traveling without a specific timeline, illness showed up. A husband, father, grandfather, fell ill. Not just a fleeting illness but leukemia. He was admitted to the hospital immediately and chemotherapy was prescribed. Not just one round of treatment but several rounds with much time in between. Thankfully they were able to move in with family members for the duration of the treatment. This was a godsend for them.
Back in Oregon the larger community that is First Baptist and the smaller community that is the family’s community group, began to pray. They prayed for healing, patience, endurance and the peace of Christ on this family. They also prayed for all of the people caring for them and the treatments that were given.
It is at the beginning of this time that two women in the smaller community at First Baptist had an idea. Not just any idea but, in fact it was laid on their hearts to do something tangible for their friends. But what could they do with so many miles between them? Here’s what happened next: small gifts, “pick me ups”, were sent; CDs, verses, coffee gift cards, slippers, word puzzles, just some of the things sent. They truly were just little reminders for their friends that they were really being thought of.
These little pick me ups were sent every two or three weeks and during that time something was also happening to the two women. As they prayed for and thought about their friends daily, weekly, and monthly, they found that their love for them just expanded in a way they never expected.
After months away it was finally time to come home. The treatments, setbacks, and hospitalizations could be put in the past. It was time to look forward.
With so many months away from home there was work to be done at the house in Salem. Their own families were hard at work sprucing up, but lots more inside and out of this large house needed to be done. Overwhelming!
Two smaller community groups from SFB came together to speak the language of love in a tangible way. One group was the family’s community group and the other didn’t even know the family. A true act of love.
On a Sunday afternoon approximately 22 people came together at the home for a work party. Inside, the bathrooms were cleaned, the kitchen was wiped down and dusting throughout the house was done. One dear soul cleaned window blinds one slat at a time!
Outside, a large crew pulled weeds, raked, mowed, sprayed and all kinds of other outdoor projects were accomplished. By the time the dinner bell sounded a group of sweaty, happy people were more than ready to eat! Yes, being a community of Baptists, there was food and fellowship!
The family is home now and they remain in the Lord’s hands. They feel love and are loved by the community that is Salem First Baptist!
In His faithful grip,
Laura Von Flue
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