Thursday, September 25, 2014

God Hears Our Heart Cries

My daughter and I have always been close. We loved critiquing the movies we watched and the books we read, brainstorming life issues and sharing ideas (pre-Pinterest). When she and her husband moved to San Diego in 2001 I was torn. I thought the move was a good idea. As newlyweds they wanted to experience life in another area of the United States. Good for them.
The Bible tells us, “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.” I believe the Spirit heard my heart cry. It was a heart cry I didn’t even know I had. “You miss your daughter. Let me give you 20 daughters, 30 daughters. And grandchildren? Let me give you 10 newborns, 15 newborns a year and dozens of moms and their families to love and nurture.”
When Karen Folkerts and I were asked to come on board as mentors to M2M’s leadership team I had no idea that my response would result in 10+ years of commitment to this ministry. Clearly, God had a plan and He blessed me a thousand fold through M2M. By God’s grace, through the M2M ministry, Salem First Baptist has welcomed over 160 newborns and innumerable unchurched families in the past decade.  Much of M2M’s missional impact can be attributed to the more than one hundred prayer warriors who intercede weekly on its behalf.
M2M is a community of encouragement and support for moms with young children.  The goal is for moms to be confident, well-equipped and skilled stewards of their homes.  Training and resources are provided for those in leadership.  Many have transitioned to leadership roles in other arenas in our church and continue to make a difference.
God unexpectedly drew me into this ministry, and has changed my life because of it.  Now He has a “new thing” He is birthing in me -- I know God holds us (both me and M2M) in the palm of His hand. I am not sure what the future holds, but He is already establishing new hopes and dreams for M2M and I am giddy with anticipation as I wait for Him to reveal His plan.
--Rhonda Guisinger

Friday, September 19, 2014

God's Appointments

Sherri and I had the privilege along with others, to go on prayer walks through West Salem.  We asked God, along with the Sports Camp prayer team, for divine appointments.  God answered!  Two times we visited an apartment complex where there were many children that we bonded with.  Some of the families were unbelievers and some were believers.  On our second trip we met a mom, "S", who has four children.  She is going through a lot and we asked for prayer for her before, during and after camp.  She is a Christian, and also a single mom, who has recently had a car accident, has a tough job, and has a messy separation with her ex.  She has to drive various rental cars while trying to purchase a replacement and seeing doctors for physical injuries.  When we met her she stammered that she had doubts God would heal her.  She knew God had good plans for her life but she couldn't wrap her mind around it in all her suffering.  She hadn't gone to church for some time.  We invited her to connect with us after checking in her kids each morning.  She and I finally did connect over coffee.  We visited for about 45 minutes at the check-in area.  She grew up without Christ and had attended two different churches in her adulthood.  She was unsure where she was headed next.  I replied that the times that are the craziest are the most productive gospel times I've known.  I invited her to come to our church that Sunday.

She didn't attend, but there were two great outcomes to this week.  One was that her oldest child received Christ!  His blue hair was a joy to witness walking out of the group as one of those who responded to the gospel message!  The other great outcome was that "S" and I became Facebook friends, and as soon as Sports Camp was over, she posted on her status, "my eldest son received Jesus, it is a great day."  Her Christian friends were amazed in the comments.  "S" wrote back, "I can't wait to come back to church this Sunday!" Her posts for a few weeks after this were filled with peace that God was giving her strength to persevere and gratitude for her children and for her blessings.  I have a Facebook friend in common with "S", another believer, who commented on her testimony that it was exactly what she needed to hear, too!  The blessing of God passes on!

In one sense I was sad to see her reconnect elsewhere, but that is her tribe and I am simply thankful that her family is drawn back into God's fold even if it means I won't necessarily cross paths with her again.

It brings tears to my eyes to think about the reach of His light into our city that Sports Camp was able to bring at such a dark moment in a family's life.  I am certain the prayers for divine appointments opened a door for His glory in this family.

--Michele Painter

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Life-Changing Camp

I have been doing ministry with students now for 18 years and this summer I experienced one of the most impactful short term mission trips I have ever been a part of.

A father tells his wife he loves her for the first time in almost a year and says he wants to work things out. A son, who told his mom the worst thing about their house was that she lived in it, apologizes and tells his mom how much he loves and appreciates her. Parents, who said they hadn’t had a break since their six year old son was born, got some much needed rest. These are just a few stories of transformation from our time serving at Camp Attitude. 

In July I had the pleasure of taking eleven students to serve at Camp Attitude on Foster Lake, Oregon. This camp is more than just special; it is a place where families with a child or children with special needs get to experience summer camp. There are games, boating, fishing, horseback riding and so much more. The families go for free, our students pay to serve. Every special needs child and their siblings are matched with a buddy (our students) who takes care of them, serves the family, and is a friend for the week. Our students were a buddy to their camper from eight in the morning till nine at night. It’s a long day where they basically do whatever their camper wants to do. Sometimes it pushing a swing for hours, or pulling a wagon, or chasing a kid who just runs all day long. It was amazing to see the kids with special needs take risks to try things they have never done before and likewise to see our students rise to the responsibility. I am so proud of them.

One of my favorite things was in the evenings before lights out listening in on our student’s conversations. They weren’t talking about pop culture, guys or girls, they sounded like tired stay at home moms: “My kid did this today,” “My buddy tried this,” “What do you do when they do this?” “Have you tried this?” They encouraged and prayed for one another, it was great.  The stories of what Christ taught our students about Him, themselves, and others are significant. I wish I could share them all. Thanks for sending us and praying for us. I want to leave you with one of our student’s takes on his time serving at Camp Attitude.

Gripped by Grace,

Brian Woolard


Camp Attitude was one of the most life-changing events I’ve ever had the pleasure of being a part of. The biggest lesson I learned was a term they used called being God winked. This means a coincidence so amazing it can only come from God. I found this in my friend Jaxson, an adorable 7 year old with Down syndrome. I had wanted a camper who used ASL and at first I was worried I wouldn’t get one. Our job the first day was to unload cars and take a camper out to play. Well I had to wait 4 cars before it was my turn. When I arrived and asked to take Jaxson, the parents said he would be out in a minute. After chasing him everywhere and having a rock thrown at me I was unsure whether he and I were a good fit. All of a sudden Jaxson signed water and the click was instant. Jaxson was no coincidence; in fact I think everyone found exactly what they needed. Working with these kids was not always easy, sometimes it was extremely frustrating having to push a kid on a swing in the sun for hours, but the smile and joy on their face made it all worth it. God also used Jaxson to flip my perspective on my sister. I always assumed kids with disabilities wouldn’t understand or couldn’t, but they do, and since camp I’ve talked with my deaf sister a lot more. Camp Attitude wasn’t just a place for us to change the kids; I think the kids changed us. For they look at us as a friend and where many of us focus on how people are disabled they just see a friend. The biggest take away I want to share with others is we all have a disability - each and every one you meet, no one is “normal”. It doesn’t have to be physical. It could be how you feel about yourself. Regardless of what it is, it’s our disabilities that challenge us and make us beautiful. I hope there are even more kids who go next year because this camp changed my life and those around me in more ways than I could ever fit on a page. It was simply an amazing experience I know I’ll never forget.

Jedidiah Hunter


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