Tuesday, December 24, 2013

What are you going to do for Christmas?

God…made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.  2 Corinthians 4:6

Every year people ask, “What are you going to do for Christmas?”  Some want to know if you are going to travel--while others want to know how much you are going to spend.  Retailers keep a close eye on how much each family will spend.  So they want to know how you will spend your Christmas.  But you can't spend Christmas--for it is not a commodity to barter.

Others will ask you how you observe Christmas.  For many, it is just a holiday which means they get time off to play and enjoy their presents and the extra candy that makes its way into every home.  You can't observe Christmas for it is not merely a holiday--it is a person.

So what are you going to do for Christmas?  I am going to keep it. 

1.  I am going to keep thanking God that he has given us light to see the truth and the glory of God revealed in Christ (2 Cor. 4:6).

2.  I am going to keep the truth of God's love for me so close that it affects the way I see myself and others.  As the world continues to determine value by performance I will keep the words of Christ close to me—“you are beloved;” “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Romans 1:7; Joshua 1:9).

3.   I am going to keep the story of Christmas in my mind because in it I see that God gave us the greatest gift, his Son, and He teaches me that giving myself is the greatest gift of all (John 15:13). 

4.  I am going to keep the example of Jesus in front of me because it tells me how to live.  I want to imitate Christ who released His grasp of heaven so that He could open his arms to me (Phil. 2:6-11).

5.  I am going to keep Christmas by allowing the light of Christ to live in me because this is a dark world and Jesus left me here so that people could see (Matt. 5:14). 

I hope you keep Christmas with us.   

It is has been a wonderful year serving with you. 

 Pastor Mark

Pastor Mark for the whole staff

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Comes Unexpectedly

AD'VENT, n.  A coming; appropriately the coming of our Savior, and in the calendar, it includes four Sabbaths before Christmas.  It is intended as a season of devotion, with reference to the coming of Christ in the flesh, and His  second coming to judge the world.

The last week of advent brings with it the promise of peace.  This is not peace as the world knows it, but the perfect peace that comes to a heart that is reconciled to God.  It’s the kind of peace that the trouble in this world can never extinguish.  It is a peace that passes all human understanding.

Do you know this peace?  Do you experience rest in God?

Psalm 42:5 reminds us where this peace is found. “Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me?  Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God.”

“Father, I thank you for being the peace giver.  Just as you spoke peace to the waves and wind, you also speak peace to my heart.  In this world I know there is trouble but I take heart today because you have overcome the world.  I accept your light yoke on my shoulders and invite you to lead me to the quiet pastures.  Your word restores my soul and you lead me in ways of peace.  Let the peace of Christ rule my life this Christmas and guard my heart and mind with your truth.”

Remember, God is your rest giver.  Find your peace in Christ this Christmas. 

                            First Baptist website: www.fbcsalem.org
                       to respond to this email: fbc@fbcsalem.org

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One of the best things about Christmas for me is...
  • The amazing story of how God entered this world as a baby. 
  • The gifts that Jesus brought to earth
  • The various traditions that makes me appreciate my church and immediate family.
  • The decorations and lights all over the city
  • Eggnog
  • The family that comes to visit.
  • The reading of the Christmas story.
  • Christmas programs.
  • Driving around town and looking at all the lights.
  • Christmas Eve service with the candle lighting.
  • Singing Silent Night for the 100th time.
  • Saying Merry Christmas to as many people as I can.
  • Music, lots of music.
  • Candle light service on Christmas eve.
  • REST!
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Thursday, December 5, 2013

The GIFT that keeps on giving

AD'VENT, n.  A coming; appropriately the coming of our Savior, and in the calendar, it includes four Sabbaths before Christmas.  It is intended as a season of devotion, with reference to the coming of Christ in the flesh, and His second coming to judge the world.
The second week of advent brings with it the reminder that while giving and receiving temporal gifts may be on the forefront of our thoughts, God’s eternal gift is one that keeps on giving, free of charge, forever. 
Romans 3:22b-24 says, “For there is no distinction:  for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus…”
“Jesus, the ultimate gift, thank you for freely giving to us what we absolutely had to have.  You are the perfect gift and Your Father is the perfect gift giver.  The Spirit allows us to enjoy your gift each day!  Help us to remember in this hectic season that all other gifts pale in comparison to You.  Help us also to find the joy in giving in the same way You experienced joy as you gave Your life for us.”
Remember, the Father loved us enough to send His son as the greatest gift ever.
First Baptist website: www.fbcsalem.org
to respond to this email: fbc@fbcsalem.org

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Send in your additions to http://fbcsalem.blogspot.com/
One of the best things about Christmas for me is...
  • The amazing story of how God entered this world as a baby. 
  • The gifts that Jesus brought to earth
  • The various traditions that makes me appreciate my church and immediate family.
  • The decorations and lights all over the city
  • Eggnog