Friday, August 16, 2013

More Than Just Child Care

Children’s Ministry at SFBC is so much more than “childcare”, so much more than just giving kids a place to go on Sunday morning.  We take very seriously our commitment to “maintain and facilitate various children’s programs that assist parents in training up children who know God with scriptural precision, who love God with unbridled passion, and who are fully devoted followers of the Lord Jesus Christ.”  Serving this congregation in that way is a privilege, and the joy is immeasurable when I can share the comments from this grandfather, a VBS Crew Leader, whose grandson attended with him, and who made a commitment to Christ!  Following is an email received from this faithful Crew Leader:

“Each year I'm overwhelmed by the un-inhibited enthusiasm our little ones have for God and our Savior Jesus Christ. The songs of praise they sing at the beginning and end of each day demonstrates how they wish to praise God with all their hearts and souls. My only wish is that there was more time in each day to have heart to heart discussions about how God wants us to live for him. Kids today have many distractions and it will be easy for them to lose focus as they grow older and their life comes more complicated. How true to the song lyrics: THE STORMS OF LIFE, THEY PUSH AND PULL. Our church needs to be the rock that never rolls and is always a place they can feel at home when home no longer feels that way.

I wasn't too surprised that my grandson has put his trust in Jesus Christ. He has been very outspoken about his belief in God and Jesus. Many times I have overheard him discussing God with his unbelieving neighbor friend. His friend does not believe in God or Jesus, but my grandson keeps telling him that He is for real, so I know that he has Jesus in his heart. Even at the park he will tell strangers that God made everything. He is not afraid to share his belief.”

John [Leverman]

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Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Church is My Front Yard

It was way back in the spring of 2001 when a men’s breakfast was held in what is now the children’s playroom in the basement of the church building.  A large group of guys were present and if memory serves me right the speaker was Arne Jensen, a local landscaper.  During that morning an appeal was made to get a group of guys who would be willing to maintain the church lawns and landscape areas.  Fast forward to the present and you now have one of the longest-term ministry teams at SFB. Somewhere over 30 different individuals have served on the team over those years and some of the original team members are still active.

Why do these people serve?  What has motivated some of them to have served continuously from day one?  Let me share some of their thoughts:  “I marvel at God’s creation and enjoy working in it”; “It’s just another way I can connect with my maker”; “I enjoy the connection with the others on my team”; ”The landscape is one of the first impressions people have of our church so I want it to look sharp”; “I enjoy serving and I get a workout at the same time”; “I like the flexibility” (There are three teams and each team serves a month at a time.  While most work is done on Saturday mornings, any day will work if necessary.)  “I like things to be orderly and trimming the hedges and mowing lawns gives me that satisfaction.” 

 In addition to these people being able to use their talents in a satisfying way, they have saved the church many thousands of dollars since the inception of the team.  While this team was started by a bunch of guys, women have been involved.  So if you are one of those who would enjoy helping to maintain God’s creation, let us know by putting a note on the bulletin tear off piece and dropping it in the offering plate.

 Oh, and by the way, if you were to drive by the house of one of these people, I don’t think you would be at all surprised to see a beautifully maintained and neatly manicured front yard.

 --Wayne Bernard


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